In an early part of the COVID-19 epidemic, the call was made in line with governmental advice, that all those who could work from home, should. As a result, the vast majority of Gunnebo employees are working remotely until advised otherwise. Whilst our team are functioning remotely in a WFH (work from home) model, we are still here, still working to our core hours, and still available to support our customers in their questions, queries, and required knowledge of our entrance control and security solutions.
The Gunnebo executive team has ensured that communication remains current, employees are kept informed, and that processes are adapted considering the advice given from each country’s government, at various key points in their respective outbreaks.
Our intranet and internal communications platforms have been updated with articles, videos and news notifications all along the journey from an early standing point. One of our 5 company core values being integrity; a transparency to communicate information honestly amongst our peers. How we communicate regarding the coronavirus outbreak has remained consistent and in keeping with our company core values. Our message throughout the situation; Stay safe, stay calm, and support each other.
Remote conferencing and using social technology platforms

To circumvent social distancing when working collaboratively, we are using Skype and Teams software to stay in contact, conducting daily meetings remotely, rather than in person. Audio and video conferencing platforms such as Skype and Teams provide us with remote calling in order to stay connected to colleagues and discuss ideas in real time, despite these isolation periods during the coronavirus outbreak.
A Whatsapp group was invited out to the members of Entrance Control HQ to keep employees updated with emergency communication in the unfolding moments of the virus taking hold within the UK. At a time when we were taking our laptops home after work each evening, as the advice and guidelines were yet to be fully implemented, the Whatsapp group provided clarity and communication when unplugged from our corporate network, and gave direction regarding the company’s policies around the COVID-19 epidemic.
These social communication platforms were either implemented or relied on more heavily to ensure all Gunnebo employees were and are always kept connected to each other, to our customers around the World, and to the company at large. In this digital age, social distancing needn’t mean isolation, and there are software and applications available that we have adopted, in order that we can continue to function, to provide a seamless service for our customers, and to continue working as usual - albeit from a remote location.
Learning tools and coping strategies for working remotely
In the face of lockdown isolation, some can find this time challenging, worrying or stressful. In response, the human resources team added learning modules for managing stress and working from home to our online learning platform. The HR team have promised to continue to upload further e-learning content if this crisis continues. This is another way Gunnebo are supporting their workforce by utilising digital platforms and training material for the enrichment of those who may find this new way of working a more difficult time. As one third of our message during the COVID-19 epidemic outlines; support each other.
Virtual Happy Hour
To assist with mental health and wellbeing when facing prolonged isolation, a virtual happy hour has been scheduled for employees on a Friday afternoon – to stay connected with colleagues and build rapport in these uncertain and solitary times. Participants to the virtual meeting will join their colleagues in a call, and each raise a glass of their choice – a salutation to a unified and healthy workforce.
To our customers
Please be assured that Gunnebo is following all governmental advice; at an early stage the advice has been implemented to the slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We are still here for you, our customers, and if you have any concerns at all, or would just like to touch base, please do reach out via phone or email to your respective sales representatives and/or service teams, or simply fill out our contact form. We are all in this together, and we are more than happy to assist in any way that we can.
From our community to yours; please stay safe, stay calm and support each other.