Security Matters

Public Transport & The Customer Experience

The speed of your vehicles, the price of your tickets, and the convenience of your timetable are all factors that customers look for from their public transport provider.

Metro Systems | Public transport | Occupancy Management

4 minute read

EntraLinq | Gunnebo Launches Office Security Gate Monitoring App

Gunnebo Entrance Control today announced the launch of EntraLinq, a new software as a service (SaaS) application providing remote monitoring and control of office building...

Entrance Control | Occupancy Management | Office Building |

2 minute read

The Importance of Sustainable Mobility

Sustainability is a growing concern across many industries, including public transport, as more and more people become conscious of their environmental impact.

Metro Systems | Public transport | Occupancy Management

3 minute read

Gunnebo delivers Infection Control Access Solutions to Samsung Nordics

Gunnebo Entrance Control has delivered its new infection control and occupancy management systems to Samsung offices across the Nordics, as demand grows for safe working...

Infection Control | Occupancy Management | Office Building

1 minute read

How can entrance control assist with retail loss prevention?

In this blog we investigate the effects of suitable entrance control installed in stores and look at the impact it has on shrinkage, what the return of investment looks like with...

Retail Security | Entrance Control | Infection Control |

2 minute read

The effects of Covid-19 on physical retail trends

Covid-19 has impacted the World in a significant number of ways. Retail is no exception. This blog investigates the trends of retail pre-Covid-19, to highlight what changes we see...

Retail Security | Infection Control | Occupancy Management |

3 minute read

Make Shopping Safer | Gunnebo Launches Social Distancing Manager for Retail

Shoppers can feel safe from Covid-19 in stores, supermarkets and malls using OccuLinq, the hi-tech occupancy management application launched today by Gunnebo, the Swedish global...

Infection Control | Occupancy Management | Retail

2 minute read

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